Tema 2.3: Grammar. Expressing cause and efect with "so / such … that"
VG.2.3.1. Video de la clase.
Exited | Exhausted | Surprised | Sad | Angry |
Emocionada | Exhausta | Sorprendida | Triste | Enojada |
Happy | Frustrated | Confused | Jubilant |
Feliz | Frustrado | Confundido | Jubilosa |
The structure for this type of sentences is the following:
1) I was so excited that I couldn't sit still.
Estaba tan emocionado que no podía quedarme quieto.
2) She was so exhausted that she fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed.
Estaba tan agotada que se quedó dormida tan pronto como llegó a la cama.
3) He was so surprised that he dropped his coffee mug.
Quedó tan sorprendido que dejó caer su taza de café.
The structure for this type of sentences is the following:
1) She spoke so softly that I could barely hear her.
Hablaba tan bajo que apenas podía oírla.
2) They worked so efficiently that they finished the project ahead of schedule.
Trabajaron tan eficientemente que terminaron el proyecto antes de lo previsto.
3) The chef cooked so skillfully that everyone praised the meal.
El chef cocinó con tanta habilidad que todos elogiaron la comida.
The structure for this type of sentences is the following:
1) He was such a talented musician that he landed a record deal.
Era un músico tan talentoso que consiguió un contrato discográfico.
2) They were such a dedicated volunteers that they received recognition from the community.
Fueron voluntarios tan dedicados que recibieron el reconocimiento de la comunidad.
3) The team captain was such an inspiring leader that they won the championship.
El capitán del equipo fue un líder tan inspirador que ganaron el campeonato.
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