Tema 4.3: Reading. Simple present and simple past passives.





The following text is chapter 3 of Parchment Stories. Listen to the audio while reading said text:


Chapter 3: Encounter in the Forest

After finding the chest, the first Sunday arrived. Mark and Ariday arrive at Elena's house, ring the front door bell, and John, Elena's husband, opens the door and welcomes them with a smile. Elena greets them warmly with cookies and tea, and the friends gather in the living room to discuss the mysterious find.

Sitting around the table, the friends examine the chest and marvel at its beauty and mystery. John proposes to investigate further and decipher the secrets it contains, which arouses everyone's curiosity and excitement.

"What kind of metal do you think this chest is made of?" Ariday asks as she examines the details etched into the surface of the chest.

"It's strange how these scrolls have held up so well after so long," Mark adds, as he takes one of the scrolls and unrolls it.

Mark immediately realizes that it is written in French and his eyes light up in amazement.

"Look, this one is in French!" he exclaims, drawing the attention of the others.

With trembling hands, Mark begins to read out loud the ancient text:

“Lyon, twenty-seventh day of the month of April. Year 1452.

He was leaning on the railing of the Saone River bridge, waiting, as is customary every Tuesday night, for the arrival of the star vehicles from heaven. This time he was willing to bring me much closer than he had always brought me closer. He was looking forward to it, he was very nervous.

The night sky was clear and starry, looking for any sign of movement in the sky.

Around midnight I heard the usual noise and moved around looking for the noise that resonated in the air. It's all dark but the noise is getting louder and I keep getting closer to the place I thought was the landing point.

As I approached the point, I could see a very faint blue-red light approaching in the sky and getting brighter as I approached the landing point, which was a clearing in the middle of the forest.”

The atmosphere in the room becomes charged with tension as Mark continues reading and the friends are completely absorbed in the narrative.

"My ears couldn't handle the noise, so I walked away. With my hands over my ears, I ran deeper into the forest, but close enough to see the clearing.

Finally the star vehicle landed. I see an open hatch, the light coming out of there was very bright. Finally I see someone get off and to my surprise it was a human, and second, a being gets off. As I sharpen my eyes, I see that the second individual did not appear to be human, but he was very similar to us. Because of the backlight, I couldn't see his face, but I could see the size of him. He was the same size as a human, with a larger, thinner head and long arms and fingers. He had two arms and two legs. He appeared to be naked. I see him raise his arm and point it towards me.

When I realized that he was aiming at me, the human ran towards my direction and I also ran and managed to hide in a muddy area that I found, I covered myself in mud and camouflaged myself.The person looking for me had a strange device that illuminated the direction he was pointing.

After a long time of looking for me, I observe that he takes out a rectangular device, which suddenly lights up and speaks to him in a strange language and then leaves.

That's how I was able to escape.

GREAT COUNCIL, this is the report I have for now.

When I know more I will inform you, Your Excellency.

I bid you farewell with great respect. Ponense Louis Dubois.

When Mark finished reading, silence reigned in the room, broken only by the heavy breathing of his friends.His face reflects a mixture of amazement, disbelief and excitement.

"My God, what did we just read?" Ariday murmurs, finally breaking the silence.

"It's amazing," Elena responds, her eyes shining with excitement. "It seems we have stumbled upon something truly extraordinary."

The friends argue animatedly about the contents of the scroll, speculating about the nature of the beings described by Louis Dubois and the meaning of their encounter in the forest.

"We must investigate further," John declares, determination in his voice.


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