Tema 5.1: Reading. Tag questions.





The following text is chapter 4 of Parchment Stories. Listen to the audio while reading said text:


Chapter 4: Dream or reality?

We are on the second Sunday after they found the chest. They were in the room where they had kept it. Mark prepares to unroll another scroll. He takes one of the scrolls and takes one out. Unfortunately for him it is not written in French.

John tells him that he would put part of the writing in Google translate so that it recognizes the language, but there was a problem. The letters in which the writing was written were unintelligible to them.

However, they used “Google Lens” to immediately detect the language.

The extract that they would put in the translator is:

आगरा, भारत। शुक्रवार, 21 अगस्त अपराह्न 1500 बजे।
महान परिषद, आइए पिछले सप्ताह के अपने सपनों के
अ नुभव साझा करें। यह अनुभव विशेष है क्योंकि मुझे
यह खुलासा करने वाला लगता है

Sure enough, he does so and they realize that it is written in Hindi.

Once the translation was done, this time Elena was the one who would read the writing:

Agra, India. Friday August 21, 1500.

Great Council, I share with you my sleep experiences from the last week. This experience is special, in that I consider it to be revealing.

Last Monday, at dawn, I had a visit from the Ponense Chennai and he told me that he would have revelations on Monday night, early Wednesday morning and early Friday morning. He made special emphasis on paying attention to those “dreams”, since they were not dreams, but instead, instead of falling asleep, I will enter a trance that would allow me to remember certain things from my life. I will be in your dreams to guide you in what you have to do in the same dream. He didn't give me details and then left, without saying anything else.

As soon as she hears this, Ariday freezes because this reading of hers seems very familiar to her, opening her eyes too surprised.

Elena continues:

It was almost midnight that same Monday, I went to bed, I was very sleepy, but thinking about what Chennai said, I couldn't sleep. I got ready to get up to drink some milk and fall asleep. I walked towards the door. When I opened it, my surprise was that, instead of finding the living room of my house, I saw that, just under the frame of my door, there was a mirror that reflected my room and in the reflection I saw myself fast asleep.

There I realized that I had fallen into a dream, because of the slow and deep way of breathing. I wasn't sure if it was real or if it was a dream. I stood in front of this mirror, touched it and saw how waves were made that started from the point where my fingers touched the mirror. I put my hand in, and it sank completely. “It's a liquid mirror,” I thought. I stuck my head in and what I saw chilled me. It was a city full of beings with the description that Ponense Dubois made in his parchment.

It was day in that world, while it was night in my room. Suddenly I felt a force that pulled me into the mirror and I was completely immersed in its internal world. The strange thing is that, even though it was the first time I saw it, everything was familiar to me. I began to walk through the streets with many buildings, more beautiful than human ones.

As Ariday continued listening to the story, she was trembling and was in a cold sweat. Mark noticed her and asked: -Are you okay? Ariday says in a broken voice: Yes. Continue reading, Elena. Suddenly, I realized that one of the beings was approaching and told me: -Narendra, I am Chennai, don't be afraid!

The strange thing is that he said it in his head.

I also responded mentally: - What is this?

-You will know in due time. You must go towards that building. Today is your turn. -My turn for what?

-I can't ruin the surprise for you.

It was a huge, very neat white construction and I decided to go in there, I don't know why, maybe it was curiosity. I arrived at a hallway and found a waiting room where all those beings were. I passed in front of a mirror while I was walking around a room and when I saw myself, it wasn't me, rather, I was one of those beings and

I saw myself completely naked, without feeling ashamed. I remember I had a mole on the right side of my lip at the top.

After a long while, they called me mentally. They made me enter through a hallway that at the end led to a room. As I entered the room, which was completely white, the lights went out and I was left in complete darkness.

Somebody told me:

- Choose a planet! - and many planets appeared in the air.
- It's time for your trip! Your body has already procreated. You will arrive in nine months in that planet's time.
- Where to? Procreated?
- Hurry, there are more seneschals waiting.
- Seneschals?

The planets in the air were like ghosts, because he could pass through them with his hands. Of all the planets, I liked one in particular, a very beautiful blue one with white clouds. I liked it a lot, because of its beauty. I touched it, and incredibly the light became solid. I became light, it was extraordinary, but I didn't understand why I wasn't surprised. I shot into outer space.

I remember traveling for nine months, alone, in the dark. I saw white lights like stars around me. There was one light in particular that was getting bigger and bigger as I traveled as if I was getting closer to it and I was also seeing balls near them.

After nine months I saw a red ball that was getting bigger. I thought I would crash into her, but no. I passed it. It was a huge rock and I remember seeing two rocks close to it.

A few minutes later I recognized another ball. The blue planet I chose and next to it a smaller, grayish-white ball. I recognized it, it was the moon!

I remember I collided with the blue planet and suddenly everything turned off.

It felt like years had passed.

The first memory I had after that trip was of my mother caressing my face, especially that mole on my lips.

I was no longer light, nor was I that being that corresponded to Dubois's description. She was human and she was a little girl.

I woke up right in my bed and towards the foot, there was Chennai, who disappeared as I regained my wakefulness.

I would think it was a very vivid dream, if it weren't for the Ponense warning me that I would have a revealing dream.

I send you this scroll to be archived, Great Council.

I'm going to write the other scrolls to send along with this one.

I say goodbye, The Initial, Narendra Bramahgupta.

As soon as Elena finishes reading, Ariday with cold hands tells everyone, I feel like she has lived it, I think I felt what Narendra felt. It's inexplicable.

Who are the Ponenses?

Especially, who is this Chennai?


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