Tema 7.1: Grammar. Embedded wh-questions.
VG.7.1.1. Video de la clase.
¿Qué son las Preguntas Incorporadas?
Las preguntas incorporadas son preguntas que se incluyen dentro de otras oraciones o preguntas más grandes. Son una forma más educada y formal de hacer preguntas en inglés, especialmente en situaciones donde deseamos ser respetuosos.
Estructura de las Preguntas Incorporadas:
Las preguntas incorporadas siguen una estructura específica que difiere de las preguntas directas. Aquí está la estructura:
Frases Introductorias: Las preguntas incorporadas generalmente siguen frases introductorias como "Do you know", "Can you tell me", "I don't know", "I'm not sure", "I'd like to know", o "Would you mind explaining".
Orden de las palabras: En las preguntas incorporadas, el orden de las palabras sigue el orden normal de una oración afirmativa en inglés. Esto significa que el sujeto viene antes del verbo. Por ejemplo: "Do you know where the library is?".
Sin el uso de auxiliares: En las preguntas incorporadas, no utilizamos los verbos auxiliares "do", "does" o "did". En cambio, el verbo principal sigue directamente al sujeto.
Direct Wh-question: Where is the nearest post office?
Embedded Question: Can you tell me where the nearest post office is?
Direct Wh-question: How much does this cost?
Embedded Question: Do you know how much this costs?
Direct Wh-question: When did they arrive?
Embedded Question: I'm not sure when they arrived.
Direct Wh-question: Who is coming to the party?
Embedded Question: Would you mind explaining who is coming to the party?
Más ejemplos
When does the next train depart?/ Do you know
Embedded Question: Do you know when the next train departs?
When does the nearest supermarket close?/ Can you tell me
Embedded Question: Can you tell me when the nearest supermarket closes?
What time does the meeting start?/ I don't know
Embedded Question: I don't know what time the meeting starts.
Where are my keys?/ I'm not sure
Embedded Question: I'm not sure where my keys are.
Who won the game?/ I'd like to know
Embedded Question: I'd like to know who won the game.
Why was the flight delayed?/ Would you mind explaining
Embedded Question: Would you mind explaining why the flight was delayed?
Are there any vegetarian options on the menu?/ Do you know
Embedded Question: Do you know if there are any vegetarian options on the menu?
How much does this dress cost?/ Can you tell me
Embedded Question: Can you tell me how much this dress costs?
When does the library open on Sundays?/ I don't know
Embedded Question: I don't know when the library opens on Sundays.
Which bus goes to the airport?/ I'm not sure
Embedded Question: I'm not sure which bus goes to the airport.
A continuación se dará una pregunta para incorporar y la expresión con la cual se va a incorporar. Ayude la profesor a incorporar dichas preguntas:
1. Where is the nearest ATM?/ Do you know
2. When does the museum open?/ Can you tell me
3. What time does the concert start?/ I don't know
4. How do I get to the train station?/ I'm not sure
5. Who is the CEO of the company?/ I'd like to know
6. Why did the price increase?/ Would you mind explaining
7. Is there a pharmacy nearby?/ Do you know
8. How can I apply for this job?/ Can you tell me
9. When does the store close?/ I don't know
10. Which restaurant serves the best pizza?/ I'm not sure
1) What time does the movie start?/ Do you know
2) Where can I find a good coffee shop?/ Can you tell me
3) Why is the internet connection so slow?/ I don't know
4) When is the next bus scheduled to arrive?/ I'm not sure
5) Who can I talk to about booking a reservation?/ I'd like to know
6) How do I access my account online?/ Would you mind explaining
7) Are there any discounts available for students?/ Do you know
8) Where should I go for the best view of the city?/ Can you tell me
9) How much does the tour cost?/ I'm not sure
10) When does the restaurant close on weekends?/ I'd like to know
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