Tema 7.1: Speaking. Embedded wh-questions.






Practique con un compañero las siguientes conversaciones:

Conversation about a Movie:

A: Have you watched the latest Marvel movie yet?
B: No, not yet. Is it any good?
A: It's amazing! The special effects are mind-blowing, and the storyline is so gripping.
B: Who's your favorite character in it?
A: Definitely Spider-Man. Tom Holland really nails the role.
B: I heard there are some unexpected plot twists. No spoilers though!
A: Don't worry, I won't give anything away. You have to see it for yourself.

Conversation about Family:

A: How's your family doing?
B: They're good, thanks for asking. My parents just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary.
A: That's wonderful! Did you do anything special to mark the occasion?
B: Yeah, we threw them a surprise party with all our relatives and close friends. They were so happy.
A: It must have been a memorable moment for everyone. How's your little sister adjusting to college?
B: She's loving it. She's making new friends and exploring different opportunities. We miss her at home though.
A: It's always a bit of an adjustment when someone leaves for college, but it sounds like she's doing great.

Conversation about Studying at University:

A: How's your semester going at university?
B: It's been pretty hectic with all the assignments and exams, but I'm managing.
A: Have you decided on your major yet?
B: Yeah, I finally settled on psychology. I find the human mind fascinating.
A: That's awesome! Are your classes challenging?
B: Definitely, but in a good way. I'm learning so much, and the professors are really supportive.
A: Have you joined any clubs or student organizations?
B: Yeah, I'm part of the debate club and the volunteer group. It's a great way to meet new people and get involved on campus.

Conversation about Computer Engineering Job:

A: Hey, how's your new job as a computer engineer going?
B: It's fantastic! I'm working on some really cool projects involving artificial intelligence and machine learning.
A: That sounds fascinating! What's your typical day like?
B: Well, I spend a lot of time coding and debugging software, but I also get to collaborate with a diverse team of engineers and designers.
A: Are there any particular challenges you've encountered so far?
B: Definitely. Keeping up with the latest technologies and industry trends can be demanding, but it's also what makes the job so exciting.
A: It sounds like you're really thriving in your role. Any advice for someone aspiring to become a computer engineer?
B: Stay curious and never stop learning. The field is constantly evolving, so it's important to embrace change and keep honing your skills.

Conversation about Being a Math Teacher:

A: How's your first year as a math teacher going?
B: It's been a rollercoaster ride, but I'm loving every minute of it. There's something incredibly rewarding about helping students conquer their fear of math.
A: What grade are you teaching?
B: I'm teaching high school juniors and seniors. It's a challenging age group, but they're also at a stage where they're really starting to grasp complex mathematical concepts.
A: Do you have any memorable moments from your time in the classroom so far?
B: Oh, plenty! One of my students who used to struggle with algebra aced her latest test, and seeing the pride on her face was priceless.
A: That's amazing! It must feel great to know you're making a difference in your students' lives.
B: Absolutely. Teaching math isn't just about equations and formulas; it's about instilling confidence and a love for learning in each and every student.


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