Solución ERR.10.3.1.

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1) What characteristic did the bird referred to by the word Cocorote have according to Lisandro Alvarado?
c) It was greenish and its name mimicked its call.

2) What was the nocturnal bird mentioned by Rafael Zárraga in his book Contares known as?
d) Pavita mortera or muertera

3) What expression is used in Mexico and Central America to refer to the belief associated with the bird's call?
d) When the tecolote sings, the Indian dies, it may not be true, but it happens.

4) What is another name for the bird mentioned in popular belief, besides Cocorote?
a) Caburé

5) What did Andión M state about the word Cocorote in his definition?
b) It was a euphemism for a tabooed area of language.


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